
is an overarching philosophy to guide anyone involved with ANY RoboRAVE robot education and/or competition worldwide! As we grow around, many people are coming to our events with little to no experience with our culture. This policy is for you to use, promote, and enforce for us to ensure consistency at our events, big and small.


 Fun while Learning

winning is SECONDARY…

(players play, coaches coach, parents cheer)


While we hope the use of this policy is to set the tone at your event, we must stress that those who violate the SPIRIT of RoboRAVE...may result in the following:

  • Loss of your team’s standing in a challenge
  • Disqualification from the challenge, or event, or the international for one (1) year

What type of actions would violate the SPIRIT of RoboRAVE?

  • Cheating
  • Stealing
  • Bullying
  • Fighting
  • Vandalizing

These ACTIONS will NOT be tolerated. While a warning MAY BE given, DISQUALIFICATION from the current event and the next RoboRAVE International will be the recommended action.


SO - Directors, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Parents, and Players…

The Spirit of RoboRAVE is our code of conduct...

LIVE it, PROMOTE it, and please, UPHOLD it.




Your RoboRAVE Team


Pam Feather – Event Co-Director, HP Rep, Facilitator

Amber Jaramillo – Event Co-Director, Greater Alb. Chamber of Commerce Rep

Fabian Lopez – Co-Founder, CNM Rep (ret.), Facilitator

Denny Marquez – Education Advisor, Rio Rancho HS

Jesse Wilkinson – Alumni & Lockheed Martin Rep, Facilitator

Ryan Grainger – Alumni, Web & Scoring, Roboterra Rep, Facilitator

Brian Montoya – US Director, ASK Academy HS, Lead Facilitator

Russ Fisher-Ives – Global Director/Co-Founder, Inquiry Facilitator Pres/Founder

Anmeldung RoboRAVE

Sie haben sich entschieden am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen? Dann melden Sie sich jetzt an.

Jetzt anmelden!
Verwalten Sie hier ihr Team!

Der Anmeldeschluss ist am 16.06.2024 24:00
(RoboRAVE Cyberspace - online Competition)


Teilnehmen können Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter von mindestens 10 bis maximal 20 Jahren aus Deutschland und allen anderen Ländern.

Altersgruppe 1: 10 – 13 Jahre
Altersgruppe 2: 14 – 20 Jahre


RoboRAVE Cyberspace 2024 (online)

22.06.2024 - 23.06.2024

RoboRAVE Germany 2024

16.11.2024 - 17.11.2024
