Here you will find general information about RoboRAVE Germany. If there are any differences to the current conditions of participation, the current conditions of participation always apply.
Age groups
- Participation is open to children and young people aged between a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 years.
- Age group 1 (ES/MS) : 7 - 13 years
- Age group 2 (MS): 14 - 20 years
- The age of the oldest team decides the classification in the respective group.
- Decisive for the assignment to the respective group is the age on the first day of the competition.
- A team consists of two to four members.
- Membership in more than one team is not permitted.
- A team can participate in several challenges
- Only teams that take part in the award ceremony can win.
- Each team will appoint a team manager who will register for the whole team.
- shall be at least 16 years old.
- may be a team member.
- can register several teams.
Registration/administration of teams
- The registration for the competition is now in 2 steps:
- 1st manager registration: By registering via our manager platform you register as a manager for RoboRAVE Germany without any obligation and free of charge. You must be at least 16 years of age to register. You can decide later whether you would like to join in yourself or just guide the team. After verifying your e-mail address you will have access to the management platform where you can get information and create several teams.
- 2. team registration: With your manager account from step 1 you can create your first team after logging in. Only with the completion of a team registration payment liabilities arise. With your Manager Account you can also manage, add and delete team members and register further teams at any time.
- Open platform: Any robot kit, including a self-developed robot, with a total value of up to 1500 EUR is allowed.
- Any programming language is allowed
- Bluetooth and any kind of remote control are prohibited.
- At the competition there will be tracks for practising as well as exclusive tracks for scoring.
- The scoring will generally take place on the 2nd day of the competition.
- To be admitted to the scoring the robot has to be approved by the referees. How this approval looks like you can find in the rules of the respective challenge (see above).
- There are no "before-event points" for this RoboRAVE.
A cost sharing of 10 € per participant is required, which the team manager transfers in full for the team. If a team member is a member of phaenovum the amount is reduced to 5€.
The venue for RoboRAVE Germany is:
Mehrzweckhalle Tumringen
Freiburger Straße 310
79539 Lörrach
OpenStreetMap - Train:
The Swiss S-Bahn S6 and S5 take you, among other things, from Basel directly to Lörrach.
The closest ICE station (Deutsche Bahn) is Basel Bad. Railway station . From there there are direct connections to:
Airport Frankfurt am Main (FRA) (~3h)
Zurich Airport, CH (ZRH) (~2h). Please note the entry regulations of Switzerland when travelling from abroad.
- German entry regulations
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer discounts on hotel rooms in the vicinity. In Lörrach, among other things, the following overnight accommodations are available:
- youth hostel Jugendherberge
- SAK Old waterworks, youth center
- Heimathafen, Hostel
- And several hotels in Lörrach