RoboRAVE Cyberspace 2021 Organizing team, greenbox and technology

22.06.2024 - 23.06.2024 - 4th online robot competition of SFZ Region Freiburg - Standort Wiesental & phænovum SFZ Lörrach - Dreiländereck


"Fun while Learning, Sharing, Teamwork" - RoboRAVE Germany goes Cyberspace!


The Event

22.06.2024 - 23.06.2024 - 4th online robot competition of SFZ Region Freiburg - Standort Wiesental & phænovum SFZ Lörrach - Dreiländereck.


Moderated Livestream on the @RoboRAVEGermany Youtube Channel.


Here is the Schedule.


We have expanded the Open Roberta Lab and developed new challenges especially for RoboRAVE Cyberspace. Equip your robot model with sensors and program it to find its way around new tracks in the 2D simulation. Experience the performance of the participating robots in the livestream and meet like-minded people in the video chat.

Start playing now!


Line-Following Challenge

Your robot should follow a line to the obstacle at the end, turn there and drive back again. Crossings with dead ends make it difficult to follow the line.


Labyrinth Challenge

Your robot should drive through the labyrinth as fast as possible. Depending on the division, there are dead ends from which the robot must find its way.


Rainbow Challenge

The paths of the game board are coloured in random order. Your robot should follow the paths one after the other in the order of the rainbow to the obstacle and back.



The rules of RoboRAVE Cyberspace in English are here (rules in German).



As always, there are challenges of varying difficulty for three divisions ES (elementary school, younger than 10 years), MS (middle school, 10-13 years) and HS (high school, 14-20 years). In RoboRAVE Cyberspace you may choose the division regardless of your actual age. Each team must commit to a single division for RoboRAVE Cyberspace, which then applies to all challenges. The division determines the difficulty and the prize money to be won.



Here you will find, as usual with RoboRAVE, the tracks in advance for practicing - without registration, without costs. If you are ready to accept the challenge, register now to win in one or more challenges. But be prepared that your robot has to perform on an unknown track on the day of the competition.

To participate at RoboRAVE Cyberspace you have to register. All participants must be in a team. Depending on the desired form of participation (everyone makes their own programme/all work together) teams can consist of 1 to 4 people. After entering the participant data via the menu item "Create team" the participants will receive an e-mail. In addition, after registration, each team can access an account in the manager portal with which they can log in to cyberspace.roborave.de to save programs and submit them later for evaluation. The account data must be passed on to the teams by the manager.  The manager must obtain the parents' consent to the conditions of participation and data protection. The deadline for registration is 27.10.2024 24:00
(RoboRAVE Germany - Live in Lörrach). But the earlier you register, the earlier you will have access to the RoboRAVE Cyberspace account which allows you to store programs in our OpenRoberta Lab instance.


Live Videochat

Participation in the live video chat RoboRAVE Cyberspace Video Chat is optional and voluntary. Access data is sent to the managers by e-mail. If you have any problems, please contact us as soon as possible by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., stating your team name.


Each team may submit one solution per challenge per hour, which will be scored, according to the schedule. If possible, the scoring takes place during the moderated live stream, and depending on the number of solutions, also afterwards and before on our computer. The best scored solution counts for the overall score.



For preparation there will be RoboRAVE Warm-Ups where we will explain the Open Roberta Lab and the challenges. The warm-ups will take place on site in the SFZ Region Freiburg - Standort Wiesental and, if there is sufficient demand, also online or hybrid. Register now on booking.MINT!



Frequently Asked Questions - Cyberspace


If you have further questions please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Registration RoboRAVE

You have decided to participate at RoboRAVE Germany?

Register now!
Adminstrate your team!

The registration deadline is 27.10.2024 24:00
(RoboRAVE Germany - Live in Lörrach)


Participation in the competition is open to children and youths from Germany or any other country who are at least 7 but no older than 20 years of age.

Age group ES/MS: 7 - 13 years
Age group HS: 14 - 20 years


Visitors welcome on Sunday from 10am to 5pm (schedule).

RoboRAVE Germany Dates

22.11.2025 - 23.11.2025

Findet jährlich am vorletzten Wochenende des Novembers statt.

Se déroule chaque année l'avant-dernier week-end de novembre.

Takes place annually on the penultimate weekend of November.

RoboRAVE Cyberspace (online) Dates

Noch nicht festgelegt.

A annoncer.

To be announced.


