In this jousting match, two lance-bearing robots follow a line to topple their opponent's "knight" – an aluminium bottle attached to the other robot by magnets.
Robots follow a track made of wooden boards laid out at 35°, 90° and 135° angles. To do this, the robots are only permitted to navigate using movement data, not sensors.
A robot tries to push one or two opponents out of a ring without being pushed out by the opponents themselves. The robot should recognize the ring and the opponents, its weight is limited.
An autonomous robot must follow a line and fill as many tennis balls as possible into a tower within three minutes. Intersections with dead ends make the line-following task even trickier.
A robot must find and extinguish four candles within three minutes. Three of the candles are hidden by walls, the fourth is visible from the robot's initial position.
Market, by the votes of all attendees at the event, an innovative and functional robotic product (autonomous and/or remote controlled) that customers want.